PMS, or premenstrual syndrome if we’re being fancy, is how we describe those awful mood changes and hormonal symptoms you get before your period.

This is the time of the month that we have to turn off any type of documentary involving rescued or sad animals and hibernate away from everyone and all forms of social media. I happened to be watching a nature show where a turtled was rescued and later released in this time frame one month and that really hit me hard.

Not everyone gets PMS, thank god. But 3/4 of us women will! That’s too many. PMS can be treated.

Here are symptoms to look out for:

  • Mood changes– suddenly crying *cue turtle being released into the wild*, suddenly annoyed at everything (people chewing too loudly or breathing near you might be the culprit)
  • Bloating– looking like you’re 6 months pregnant for 24 hours and it suddenly goes away as your period starts, lovely.
  • Acne– doesn’t matter how you’re washing your face, like clockwork you get the breakout on your chin or forehead once a month
  • Food cravings– you could empty out the chocolate cupboard (chocolate is usually bought as needed at my house as it doesn’t last around me)

All these symptoms are your hormones going crazy. Your body has released an egg and it is now doing everything to keep it safe and warm. It quickly puts out hormones like estrogen and progesterone. But because you’re not pregnant, those hormone levels were super high then suddenly dropped before the period starts. All of this throws your body out of whack and affects your serotonin levels (happy brain neurotransmitter) which controls your mood and GABA levels (GABA is our anti-anxiety neurotransmitter which keeps us from feeling depressed or anxious). You don’t want to mess with these guys. But if you’re period is starting, you’re probably seriously messing with those levels.

Again, this is treatable.

You’re not the only one who wants to break up with their partner or cannot even put the TV on for fear of animal commercials the day before your period.

Hormonal issues usually don’t go away on their own and if they do it’s not in a time frame that would be best for most people. There are specific treatments to address hormonal imbalances. The first step may be a blood test to see your hormone levels. The second would be to start on a hormonal treatment plan (supplement or herbal therapy depending on which hormone is out of balance)

Step 1: Test Your Hormones

Step 2: Begin a Hormone Treatment Plan

I work with young girls and women usually age 16-60 who are struggling with their hormones and want one on one personalized hormone consultations. I am offering in person or virtual consultations to anyone living in Ontario.

Book your appointment today to get started. Don’t leave your hormonal issues untreated.

I look forward to working with you.